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Ormskirk West End Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Friends of West End


Welcome to the PTA section of our website.

Our Parent Teacher & Friends Association is called "The Friends of West End" and raises lots of money for the school.

Parents are automatically members and all are welcome to attend our informal meetings which take place each term.

The minutes of our latest meeting can be found at the bottom of this page.



Whenever you buy anything online you could be collecting free donations for The Friends of Ormskirk West End.

Every time you shop online please click above to access easyfundraising & then on to your usual shopping site.
After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to our school, for no extra cost whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges and we will be really grateful for your donations.


Thank you for your support.






Committee members' areas of responsibility are:



Rowena Fallaize


Sarah Kynaston


Sharron Thornton


Our e-mail address is: or you can leave a message at the school office.

