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Ormskirk West End Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow


Welcome to Acorns! (Reception)

Class Teacher - Miss E Hunt

'Children in Early Years make good progress' - Ofsted 2019

Miss Hunt is a highly experienced teacher of over 17 years and  is part of the Senior Leadership team at OWE.  She is passionate about Early Years and giving children the best start to their learning journey.  Miss Hunt leads History, Geography and Computing across school and is also our Early Years Career Teacher mentor and is the lead for the Ogden Trust Partnership.





Colour, colour everywhere- Spring 2025

Busy, happy days at Ormskirk West End

A friendly visitor to EYFS 🐶

Moving Vehicles- DT

Building CVC words independently in Acorns

Wilbur The Cat! We used forks to stretch the paint to create our furry friend!

Rangoli Patterns as part of our Celebration topic in Acorns.

White Rose Maths sessions in Acorns

Buddy time with our Might Oaks!

Exploring in our setting

Forest School

It was so exciting for us to meet a fireman and try on his equipment. We found out that it's very heavy equipment and you need to be fit and strong to carry it!

Thinking about Remembrance creating beautiful poppies with our Buddies,

Police visit


Acorn's Trip to Acorn Farm

In Acorns we discussed the wind and how it was made. We then created our own kites and tested them outside.

We have been learning about Diwali and acted out the story of Rama and Sita using the puppets.

Making fireworks with chalk and water

Halloween Fun! Mixing colours to make witches potions and carving pumpkins whilst developing vocabulary.

We have been reading the story 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell. We sequenced and orally retold the story, developing deeper understanding of it.

Having fun with our new playground markings and sandpit.

We had a brilliant time during our first 'Buddy Session' with children from Oak Class. We made sandwiches and enjoyed reading to our buddies.

During RE, we have been thinking about how Christians believe that God created all nature and they say thank you during Harvest time. We went for an Autumn walk in our beautiful school grounds looking at nature and spotting the signs of Autumn.

We have been thinking about eating a healthy diet and which types of foods our bodies need to be fit, healthy and strong

During our Marvellous Me topic, we have been discussing our likes and dislikes. We tasted different pizza toppings and voted on our favourite...salalmi came out top! We then made our very own healthy pizza.

Reception children have had a fantastic time settling in and exploring our classroom.

Useful Websites and links.


Here are a few suggestions you might want to have fun with at home!

Mr Thorne does phonics – YouTube (Phase 2 and Phase 3 phonemes)

Head Lice


Click below to go to our School Nurse page for NHS advice on recognising & dealing with Head Lice
