School Milk & Snack
School Milk Our milk provider is Cool Milk and they charge 23p per day for a drink of milk to children in all year groups. If your child would like to take milk, you will need to register with Cool Milk directly, you can do this by clicking the link below, and they will ensure the milkman delivers for your child.
If your family is in receipt of Free School Meals, it is important that you let us know when you |
Playtime Snacks
Each day children in Acorns & Elm classes are offered a free piece of fresh fruit at break time. Additionally, all children can choose to buy a piece of wholemeal toast for 20p and must pay for toast on a termly basis. We are keen to encourage healthy snacks at West End and therefore ask that any snacks that the children bring from home should not contain chocolate or be high in sugar, this includes cereal bars. A piece of fruit is an ideal playtime snack.
Go to the 'Letters' page for more information about this term's toast.