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Ormskirk West End Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Wrap Around Care

Our wrap around care begins with our Breakfast Club, which opens at 8:00 am. Your child will enjoy a healthy breakfast, followed by engaging activities in our Hawthorn Classroom. At 8:45 am, our staff will ensure your child is escorted safely to their class. The cost for this service is £5 per session.


Our After-School Club runs from 3:15 pm until 6:00 pm. Upon arrival, your child will be offered a variety of healthy snacks, followed by a selection of games, crafts, and sports to keep them entertained. The cost for this session is £8.

Bookings and payments must be made via the ParentPay app, and all children must be collected by 6:00 pm.

Wrap Around Care Policy
