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Ormskirk West End Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Rooted in the Community

At OWE, we are dedicated to our school and local community.  On this page, you will find some of the projects we run at our school.

🎄☃️🎅Family wreath making 🎄☃️🎅 a lovely morning being creative with our OWE families.

We run a free, family breakfast every morning from 8:30 am. It's a lovely way to start the day!

Family Halloween Fun - 2024

Our Christmas tree proudly displayed at Ormskirk Parish Church displaying our core vales of respect, resilience and aspiration. We are proud to be part of our community.

Books and Biscuits is a popular after school club where parents and children come together to read.

Our local police officer visited today to talk to KS2 about the consequences of our actions. He gave us advice on how to make the right choices in life and that we must consider how harmful words and actions can be against others. #Respect

Harvest Donations for West Lancs Food Bank- we are so thankful to our wonderful families for all of the food and toiletries donations made for thos ein need in our local community.

It was an honour for us to be the school ambassadors at the launch of the Family Hub at The Zone in Skelmersdale. Our children were given a full tour of what’s on offer for families to access. Our Head Boy, Head Girl and school captain attended and were amazing representatives of our school. West Lancashire Family HubG

This Summer we offered a local HAF and it was incredible, many people from our wonderful community joined in the special days at OWE..

Our summer HAF - The petting zoo!

Our community Easter Egg Hunt - organised by our Friends Of West End!

Our Healthy Eating Matters cooking course - yum yum!

Our family picnic lunch!

Our Afternoon Tea for our wonderful volunteers - hosted by our Y6
