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Ormskirk West End Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow



Safeguarding & Child Protection

Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do.  Parents will be aware that we have tight entrance procedures at the start and end of the school day and this is specifically to safeguard our pupils. 


In school we are:

  • Ensuring all adults who are working, helping or visiting our school wear badges to identify themselves and their role; 
  •  Sending our staff on regular training regarding safeguarding;Using keypad entry and CCTV cameras on both the main school and the Nursery/Out of School Care entrances;
  • Closing all exterior doors once the children are in school; 
  • Discussing, in our PSHE sessions, age appropriate issues such as stranger danger, road safety, on-line safety and how to recognise adults who can be trusted. 


You can help us to keep everyone safe by:

  • Arriving in plenty of time so your child learns the routine of school.  Children who are given the opportunity to run around and play with their friends before school receive the added benefits of being energised for learning whilst also developing their social skills;
  • Saying goodbye to your child at their door - they can enter the school building themselves as their teachers are there to receive them;
  • Using the dedicated side entrance if you need the Nursery and Before/After School club as the school cannot be used as a thoroughfare;
  • Not opening the door to let others into the building, please leave this to office staff. 


We are grateful for your help with this - our continuing partnership will ensure all of our children remain safe.


Mrs Currie is our Designated Senior Lead person for safeguarding issues and Mrs Horton is the back up DSL.


Mark Miller is our Safeguarding Governor and conducts Safeguarding Audits with the DSL.

Prevent Risk Assessment and Plan

Working Well With Children & Families In Lancashire Documents
