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Ormskirk West End Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow


Welcome to Oak! (Y5/6)

Class Teacher - Mrs L-J Horton

Mrs Horton has worked at OWE for 16 years and is our Deputy Head Teacher.  She is the Subject Champion for Maths, Writing, DT, Art & Design and RE.



Welcome to Oak!


In art we have been exploring positive and negative space today. We will eventually be creating 3D sculptures based on drawings we make.

In science we are studying classification and this afternoon we had a go at classifying biscuits! (Mrs Currie was not shocked that Mrs Horton was using biscuits to teach!) We thought about questions we could ask to sort their characteristics and classify each type individually.


A great start to the year already in Oak class.


Today in maths we were making Roman Numerals using lolly sticks, it was a good way to get practical with number. Mrs Horton forgot to take a picture- sorry!


We are extremely proud of our children in Oak this week. For the past few weeks, they have been learning about the Shakespearean tragedy Macbeth. On Thursday, they took part in a court trial to determine whether Macbeth was a tragic hero or an evil villain. The children took on roles such as clerk of the court, judge, defense barrister, prosecuting barrister, crime scene witnesses and jury. Well done for an amazing court hearing Oak!

Young Writers: In January, pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 were presented with the opportunity to enter the Once Upon a Dream Young Writers poetry competition. Young Writers presented the opportunity for children across the country to become published poets. We are delighted to announce that sixteen of our pupils have been selected to have their poems published and we are awaiting the results of the final four entries. We are now looking forward to the next stage of the competition when the overall winning poems will be selected. Congratulations to all of our Young Writers.

To round off our Judaism unit in RE, we had the joy of Anne Kletz who visited our class to talk with the children about Jewish laws and how they have been adapted to suit the needs of modern society. It was a great way to support our understanding, #Respect

Science! It's time to try out mummification! We have created our own Natron from bicarb and salt, prepared the fruity corpses and are about to observe change over time! We hope the fruits will mummify beyond recognition! Wish our fruity samples good luck on their mummification journey. #resilience

Art - Typography Maps

It's World Food Day! In Oak we celebrated by baking some Egyptian biscuits. We worked in two teams, followed the recipe and the results were delicious. We love to taste foods from other cultures. #Respect


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In music we are learning about different time signatures- 3/4 and 4/4 in particular. We have been practising this song which mixes both time signatures together- you can see the concentration on our faces as we try to master it! Adding percussion next to keep the beat! #Resilience

Music and PE combined!

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What a session- Oak were trying to get fit and use their musical knowledge of beat counting to successfully move across the hoops without bumping, it was very challenging but we got there! Well Done Mighty Oaks! #Resilience

In science, we have been investigating the parts of eggs- it was fascinating identifying the different parts! #resilience

Local Police and our community

Yoga Session

In PE we are honing our hockey skills- today we were dribbling and developing accuracy of passing. #Resilience

In Oak, our art sessions are off with a bang! We are learning all about typography and today we created our own typography using natural materials. We then had a go at sketching using ink pens. Super results from our Mighty Oaks!

We've been having fun with factors in maths today! Games are great to consolidate knowledge. #Resilience

What an incredible opportunity we have had this week at school. We had had the chance to explore lunar samples (yes real moon rocks from NASA!). It was strange to feel how heavy the meteorite was and strange how the different samples were all different colours and textures. Maybe we have just inspired our next generation of astronauts?! #Aspiration

We are scientists! In Oak we are looking at plant reproduction and life cycles. It has been amazing to learn about the different stages of life cycles. We were particularly fascinated by the metamorphosis which takes place during the pupa stage. #Respect

Exploring Forest School with Acorns

Year 6 had a fabulous night at their Mario themed Leavers Party! Mario Karts, pasta challenges and a Mario bouncy for extra fun!

For DT, Oak have been weaving recycled bags inspired by the Maya. We created them for all sorts of purposes and the best bit- they work!

Our Oak superstars have tidied and sorted Forest School ready for September- Thank you!

Daresbury Laboratory visit

What an afternoon in Oak! Mrs Horton asked us to find out about the Maya diet... by exploring coprolites! We found out they ate: cacao, chilli pepper, squash and a variety of fruits! It was disgustingly great fun!

Revising is fun... when you can write on the tables!

Evolution Project with Liverpool University

We had some fun before the snow melted (and our fingers froze!)

Mars Day 2023- what an opportunity! We took part in a Zoom lesson with none other than Tim Peake!

In PE we created a WW2 themed dance to The Dambusters theme. It was fantastic- well done!

It was a privilege to be part of a WW2 rationing lesson with Eton Boys 6th Form College.

After learning about rationing in WW2 we designed and made our own delicious soup (carrot, potato and leek) and a tasty apple and honey crumble for afters. Hands on learning is the best!

Absolute times tables superstars! In a national competition, Oak came 8th out of 1000 schools! Amazing!

Computing- creating vector drawings!

A great DT topic using pulleys to make carousels! It was a challenge but we did it! It was amazing to watch them working.

Buddies! We met up with Acorns to help them make sandwiches for British Food Week. We then heard them read as this is so important! It was so lovely watching relationships begin to blossom!

What better way is there to learn about the components of blood than making a blood model? Great fun!

In Science, it's all about circulation! We have been exploring the journey of the blood with a huge heart model in the hall. This week we investigated our pulse rates counting our BPM after exercise.

We are at the start of our artistic journey to create food sculptures. We have been experimenting making shapes from toilet paper!

Year 6 Bikeability Champions! Well done!

Making Anglo Saxon shortbread to start our topic!

A fabulous residential @ Hothersall Lodge for our Year 6! Here's a snapshot of what we got up to...
