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Ormskirk West End Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow


 Welcome to Elm! (Y2)

Class Teacher - Mrs D Lawrance


Welcome to Year 2 with Mrs Lawrance and Miss McInnes! Our classroom is a nurturing space where children are encouraged to aspire to be the best they can, knowing that mistakes help us learn and grow. We celebrate every achievement and support one another along the way. We are proud of our aspirational, resilient and respectful learners and look forward to continuing our learning journey together!




To see what we will be learning in Elm this year take a look at our curriculum page.

Explore and Create Autumn Art 2024

Super Salads DT 2024

Moving Christmas cards - DT

Elm - Print Making - Access Art

Literacy - Riddles

Science in Elm

Forest School- we are loving it! #Resilience

Maths in Elm Class

Yoga Session

Forest School
