Welcome to Maple! (Y3/4)
Class Teacher - Mrs K McLaughlin
Mrs McLaughlin has been at OWE for 5 years and is a much valued member of our team. She leads PE and PSHE across school and is currently studying for her qualification in SEND to become our SENDCo next year.
To find out what we will be learning in Maple this year, take a look at our curriculum page.
Celebrating our super swimmers in Maple 👏

Maple's Autumn term timetable.
As part of our Tudor topic, Maple have made their own Tudor Roses. Making the roses gave us the opportunity to discuss how its design combined the white rose from the House of York with the red rose from the House of Lancaster to symbolise the way that the two houses were unified as the House of Tudor. Well done Maple, they will look fantastic on display in our classroom!

Lunar Rocks!

Super Skeletons!

Science in Maple Class

Yoga Session

Maple had a great time having a coaching session with Alan Stubbs, some great footballers in here!

For DT, Maple have been making indian foods and creating 3D packaging for their products! Delicious!

Yesterday, we took part in Mars day and got to ask Astronaut Tim Peke questions about going into Space.
Maple have been designing and creating their very own pneumatic toys - they are amazing!

Maple have been working on creating moving picture books this term. Look at our beautiful books designed for Elm!

Maple have been working busily on our ancient Greece topic. On Monday, we looked at what democracy is and how that looked in ancient Greece compared to in the UK today.

Today, we were thrilled to welcome Dr Matthew, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology at The University of Liverpool, into Maple to continue the fantastic work we have started on Ancient Greece. Our class was also chosen to be filmed for the University, owing to our enthusiastic children.

For British food week, Maple made leek and potato soup. We really enjoyed making it, eating it and writing our instructions for Friday's Big Write!