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Ormskirk West End Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Our Wider Curriculum

Christmas Nativity 2024

Williamson Tunnel visit , Liverpool

Family Arts and Craft morning

Some of our year 6 have taken part in Bikeability learning how to bike safely on the roads 🚲 #respect

Shine! Our children who attend Shine had their work displayed at Edge Hill University - we are extremely proud of them.

Y6 Residential to Hothersall Lodge!

Oak and Maple visited The Philharmonic in Liverpool, to listen to an incredible performance of orchestral pieces inspired by Olympic sporting events. The children got into the swing of things, following the conductors actions to direct the orchestra, and singing along to songs. It was lovely to see. ☺️ In line with our school value of ‘Aspiration’, the children chatted about the benefits of learning to play an instrument, and the wide variety of careers that can come from developing such a skill. It was a magical morning! Respect | Resilience | Aspiration

We are all musicians! We are all learning how to play the Ukulele with the help of our music teacher!

Cricket time! Jordan from Lancashire Cricket spent the day with us teaching all of us how to play cricket!

Pupil Parliament - a visit to the Mayor's Chambers!

Pupil Parliament - our topic for debate was "Should dangerous dogs be banned?" Please find our pupil parliament representatives Powerpoint.

Well done to our Pupil Council, who ran a School assembly, to allow all children to have their voice and give suggestions for school! Look out for our poster for Crazy Hair Day happening soon ⭐️

Lego Therapy!

Let it snow!

We worked with Mark from Forward Futures to think about sustainability for fashion.

Forest School

Extra Curricular Clubs Autumn 2023

Sporting Competition time! Our Year 5 and 6s went to Robin Park to compete in the annual Athletics competition, where we gained 16 medals! Well done team West End! #respect # resilience.

We welcomed local author Sean Perkins to come and chat to our classes about being an author. He read his new books and also shared his music with us too- it was a great morning for our pupils. Thank you Sean! #aspiration

We welcomed Harold The Giraffe to talk to us about life skills and how to look after ourselves. #Respect

Sporting events - our 3 and 4 children took part in a "Traditional games" competition held at the JMO. #resilience

To start the year off to a healthy start, we welcomed Tri Kidz to school and we took part in a mini triathlon! #Respect #Resilience