School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask Mrs Thornton in the school office.
Governors review statutory school policies on an annual cycle.
Senior Leadership Team review non statutory policies every 3 years (or sooner if required).
Subject Leaders review their subject policies every 3 years (or sooner if required).
Statutory Policies
- OWE Data Protection, GDPR and Biometrics Policy.
- OWE Remote Education policy.pdf
- OWE Attendance Policy.
- owe-accessibility-plan-policy.
- owe-admissions-policy.
- owe-ect-policy.
- owe-equalities-policy.
- owe-eyfs-policy.
- owe-inclusion-and-send-policy.
- owe-medical-needs, intimate-care & First Aid policy.
- owe-rse-policy.
- OWE Complaints including unreasonable.pdf
- OWE Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
- OWE Health & Safety Policy.pdf
- owe-statement-of-procedure-for-dealing-with-allegations-of-abuse-against-staff.pdf
- OWE Ethos, Ethics and Positive Behaviour Policy 2024.pdf
- OWE Charging and Remission Policy.pdf
- OWE Safegaurding Policy 2024 2025.pdf
- OWEWrap Around Care Policy.pdf
Non Statutory Policies
- OWE Acceptable use of internet, computers & email Policy agreement.
- OWE Assessment Policy.
- OWE Anti Bullying.
- 2022 to 2025 EVC _Policy_and_Guidlines_for_Eductional_off_site_visits_V4_WEB_1.
- OWE Forest School Policy.
- OWE Online Safety Policy 2023.
- OWE Marking and Feedback Policy.
- OWE Wellbeing Policy.
- OWE Uniform Polcy.
- OWE Lettings policy.
- OWEWrap Around Care Policy.pdf
Subject Policies