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Ormskirk West End Primary School

From Tiny Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow




Welcome to Ormskirk West End Primary School.
My name is Sarah Currie.

It has been my pleasure to work at Ormskirk West End since 2017, as Deputy Head Teacher, and now Head Teacher.  Our team are passionate, dedicated and have a wealth of experience. 



A warm welcome will always await you at Ormskirk West End.  We know that every child who enters our school family is an individual with their own needs, personality and level of development.  Our carefully crafted team of teachers, TAs and our Learning Mentor, have a long standing record of supporting our children to meet their personal best.  It is an absolute privilege to work alongside this team of staff, our wonderful children and supportive parents and families. 


We believe passionately in giving our children the best education available; and we are fortunate to work with Liverpool University to give our children high aspirations and a deeper level of learning.  We take pride in giving our children a range of wonderful additional learning opportunities alongside the National Curriculum.  We also work with STEM ambassadors, Edge Hill University, School Linking as well as providing high quality educational trips which are part funded by the school.  


Our ethos is clear to see when you enter our school: respect for others, ourselves and nature, as well as building resilience in character and never giving up.  We have high aspirations for every child, whatever their needs.  


We are incredibly lucky to have so much open space for our children to explore and play in.  Our Forest School is not only popular with our children, but provides opportunities to experience and understand the natural world.  We have an outdoor gym, trim trail and outdoor staging area in which our children are encouraged to explore.  Our sensory garden tops off a truly beautiful space for our children to enjoy.


We have a dedicated SEND team comprising of myself, Miss Hunt and Miss. McInnes and we work closely to provide meaningful SEND and pastoral support for our children.  We have a newly furbished Nurture Room and a well equipped sensory room in conjunction.  We also work closely with the Child, Family and Wellbeing team to provide additional support for children and families in order to ensure that early help is quickly identified and acted upon.  


Please do take your time to browse through our website to get a flavour of who we are and what we offer.  This doesn't, however, give you the full picture of us as a school. I always say that seeing is believing, so arrange to visit us during a usual school day if possible (it's always valuable to see the school in action) or after school, to get a real experience of Ormskirk West End.


I look forward to welcoming you.


Our Resources

Ormskirk West End has wonderful resources including:

  • A Sports Hall used for PE lessons and sports clubs during lunch time and after school.
  • A Teaching Kitchen where children can use and apply their literacy, Maths, Science and DT Skills whilst producing amazing food linked to our curriculum.
  • A Sensory Room and Sensory Garden where children can spend quality time in small groups.
  • A Forest Area where children can learn about nature and outdoor skills e.g. shelter building/survival skills.
  • Extensive grounds including three playgrounds, two school playing fields, a ‘trim trail’, an outdoor gym and a quiet area.
  • Spacious classrooms offering state of the art technology including updated Interactive Smartboards and 3 pupil’s desktops in every classroom.
  • We have a dedicated ICT / Computing suite with air conditioning to keep our pupils cool as they warm up with their online skills.
  • We have over 35 iPads that can be fully accessed indoors and outdoors on our school grounds.
  • A Breakfast Club and After School Club at Portico@WestEnd offering wrap around care for parents.


Our Mission Statement
 We aim for our children to aspire to be all they can, respect themselves, all others and their environment and to become resilient no matter what challenges are thrown their way!


Our Core Values

At Ormskirk West End the staff and the pupils have agreed the following school values:







Staff regularly reference these core values with our pupils
throughout their time in school.

